Still Hobnobbing . . .

Publishing has always been only one of several local history activities that I pursue, and since 2011 much of my time has been taken up in developing, as county or consultant editor, the work of the Victoria County History in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. For this reason my typesetting and publishing output is restricted, although I have been reviving Hobnob Press, and have begun to produce new editions of some of my own work as print-on-demand titles, as well as important new works of local and regional history. Since 2023 my VCH colleague Dr Louise Ryland-Epton has been helping to promote and develop our publishing output.

I also help colleagues and friends in the local history world to self-publish print-on-demand titles, and details of recent collaborations are also to be found here.  And I now serve as chair of the Publishing Committee of the British Association for Local History.

Please explore this website, in which we highlight new and recent titles, and past successes. Please also follow the Hobnob Press page on Bluesky and facebook, which feature new titles and other publishing and bookselling news.

Local history publishing, in common with all forms of information management and academic exchange, has entered new and exciting but uncharted waters, and it is very unclear how this sector will develop. Our hope is that Hobnob Press will continue to play an enlightened part in that development, by serving the local history community in the west country, and by enabling them to see into print their work, which might not attract a commercial publisher. We welcome your views on this approach.

Thank you for visiting this site.

John Chandler BA PhD FSA

with Louise Ryland-Epton BA MA PhD